If you are looking for a customized solution that suits your forest creation needs, we now offer a range of options. Get in touch with us for one or more of the following solutions:

Species Selection:

The most critical decision faced by aspiring forest creators is the selection of species according to the Potential Native Vegetation (PNV) of their region. We can guide you through the process of species selection to ensure you have the perfect composition to create a healthy multi-layered ecosystem of flora.

Site Assessment:

After having worked on sites across the globe, we have developed a process for assessing prospective forest creation sites. It helps us make informed decisions that lead to 100% site readiness. We can answer all your questions related to site-specific issues.

Soil Study:

Studying and analyzing a prospective site's soil situation and selecting the right mix of nourishment materials is essential to forest creation. We can help you with the process involved in restoring soil health correctly and creating a self- sustainable soil food web.

Forest Design Concept:

Good design ideas ensure that you optimize resources and create forests as attractive experiential spaces. We can help you achieve this goal by assessing your site and giving you a design concept that suits your needs and fulfils the role of a flourishing ecosystem.

Execution Guidance:

If you are beginning your own forest creation project and need specific help related to execution planning and guidance, then we can help you with issues relevant to your site. These could include, but are not limited to, machinery selection, Bill of Materials, planting instructions, arrangement of species etc.

Project Evaluation:

If you have created a forest that you wish to get checked and evaluated, then we can provide valuable feedback. Forest creation is a journey of discovery, learning, unlearning and constantly improving. Our evaluation report will ensure that you make the changes or improvements required and are better prepared for future projects.

If you wish to seek help in any of the above areas, write to us at training@afforestt.com and mention 'Customized Solution' in the subject line. We will fix a call with a senior forest creator with Afforestt to better understand your requirement and give a cost quotation accordingly.