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Featured Articles
[english](September 2017) Nikkei Asian Review:Engineering forests in the heart of cities
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[português](April 2016) Indiano ensina como plantar 300 árvores no espaço ocupado por 6 carros
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[한국어](March 2015) Tech Holic: 숲을 10배 빠르게…오픈소스 프로젝트
All Articles
[español](May 2016) DW Made for minds: La plantación de pequeños bosques, de árbol a árbol
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[français](Jun 2017) novae: Des «mini-forêts» à forts impacts.
[français](April 2014) L’usine Nouvelle: Le modèle de production Toyota appliqué à la reforestation
[italiano](July 2016) green me: Come creare una foresta urbana nel tuo giardino in soli 10 anni
[italiano](December 2015) IO DONNA: l’uomo che fa nascere le foreste
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[english])(June 2019 ) Edex Live: This engineer is now the Forest man of India. Here's what changed his life
[english])(June 2019 ) TreeHugger: Grow a 100-year-old forest in your backyard in just 10 years
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[english])(June 2019) Civil Society Online:Urban forests: Grow one in just three years
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[english](April 2015) THE HINDU: A forest in my backyard
[english](March 2017) INDIAN EXPRESS: 6,000 fast-growing trees planted in a day
[english](April 2015) THE HINDU: A forest in my backyard
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[english](November 2014) Business Standard: A forest in your backyard
[english](October 2014) FAST COMPANY: These Miniature Super-Forests Can Green Cities With Just A Tiny Amount Of Space
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[english](January 2014) WIRED: The Next Big Thing You Missed: How We Can Manufacture Forests Like Toyota Makes Cars
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