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[english](July 2020) DD News:Environmental Minister inaugurates Urban Forest at CAG office in Delhi

[english](January 2020) CNBC:Urban forests and the transformation of cities

[english](January 2020) Times of India:Aurangabad welcomes New Year by planting Miyawaki native forests

[english](December 2019) News Dio:We may not be planting the right types of forests

[english](December 2019) Tweak India:Growing Urban forests (on land no bigger than a tennis court)to make your own oxygen

[english](December 2019) The Indian Express:How to Bring Back a Forest

[english](October 2019) Economicc Times.The Times of India:West Bengal govt to create forests using Japanese method

[english](October 2019) The Indian Express:EcoSikh establishes 58 ‘sacred forests’ to mark Guru Nanak’s 550th birth anniversary

[english](September 2019) Scroll:In India, can private forests be the answer to deforestation, wildlife loss and pollution?

[english])(August 2019 ) Times of India:Shubhendu clears misconceptions about Miyawaki methodology

[english])(August 2019) The Better India:Japan’s Miyawaki Grew 40Mn Trees! Now Learn to Grow a Forest from His Last Student

[english])(July 2019) Bloomberg Quint:Startup Street: This Startup Is Building A Forest In The Middle Of Delhi

[english](June 2019) Awareness:A Man-Made Forest Has Been Planted to Revive the Beirut River

[english](May 2019) The Economic Times:Interactive art-inspired forests are taking root in Bengaluru

[français](April 2019) Vivifrik:Akira Miyawaki à l’origine des micro-forêts 100 fois plus riches en biodiversité

Featured News

[english])(July 2019) JSTOR Daily:The Miyawaki Method: A Better Way to Build Forests?

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[english](August 2019) CNBCTV 18:This engineer has quit a high-paying job to plant trees

[english])(July 2019) JSTOR Daily:The Miyawaki Method: A Better Way to Build Forests?

[english])(July 2019) Times of India:Foresters learn Miyawaki technique for plantation

[english])(July 2019) Tribune India:EcoSikh pledges to plant million trees

[english])(June 2019) Times of India:Fifteenth Guru Nanak sacred forest created in Mohali

[english])(June 2019 ) Edex Live: This engineer is now the Forest man of India. Here's what changed his life

[english])(June 2019 ) TreeHugger: Grow a 100-year-old forest in your backyard in just 10 years

[english])(June 2019 ) YourStory: With Afforestt, this engineer is painting cities green by growing trees using the Japanese Miyawaki method

[english])(June 2019) Civil Society Online:Urban forests: Grow one in just three years

[english](June 2019) The Sunday Guardian: The Green Crusaders

[english](June 2019) Treehugger Environmental carpe diem: Grow a 100-year old forest in your backyard - in just 10 years

[english])(June 2019 ) Forbes India:The power of one

[english](May 2019) AL-MONITOR:New urban forest planted to save Beirut's river

[english])(April 2019 ) The Guardian:Sikhs aim to plant million trees as 'gift to the planet

[english])(January 2019 ) ReforestAction: Creating primitive forests through the Miyawaki method


[français](December 2018)Lesechos:L'Inde plante des forêts dans ses villes pour combattre la pollution

[english](December 2018) Venturesafrica:#6 PLANTING URBAN FORESTS TO COUNTER INDIA’S POLLUTION

[english])(September 2018 ) Youth Ki Awaz:YKASummit2018: Shubhendu Sharma Says A Forest Can Be Built At The Cost Of An Iphone

[netherlands](August 2018) STADSZAKEN:Twaalf nieuwe tiny forests in de maak

[netherlands](August 2018) Gebiedsontwikkeling:Tiny forests: de remedie tegen wateroverlast, luchtvervuiling en eenzaamheid?


[english]) (Jun 2018)Fondation Maisons du Monde:The Fondation Maisons du Monde supports the MiniBigForest association and its participatory urban forest projects

[english](May 2018) HOUSING com: Afforestt: Creating urban forests in your own backyard


[தமிழ்](April 2018) Dinakaran:9 நாடுகள் 100க்கும் மேற்பட்ட காடுகள் 4 லட்சத்துக்கும் அதிகமான மரங்கள்

[italiano](April 2018) Sikh un milioni di alberi piantati come dono al pianeta Terra


[english](December 2017) 6 Ideas Our Government Can Use Right Now To Reduce Air Pollution

[english](September 2017) Nikkei Asian Review:Engineering forests in the heart of cities

[english](July 2017) Citizen Matters: Does nature stand a chance in this urbanisation frenzy?

[english])(June 2017) Scoopwhoop: 8 Incredible Indians Who Are No Less Than Heroes For Saving The Planet In their Own Ways

[français](June 2017) novae: Des «mini-forêts» à forts impacts.

[english](June 2017) popupcity: Tiny Forests With Enormous Impact

[english](May 2017) Good News: #GoodNews: Bengaluru NGO Uses Technique to Grow Forest in 8 Months

[english](May 2017) daily O: How to make India's climate commitments a reality

[english](May 2017) The Economic Times: Interactive art-inspired forests are taking root in Bengaluru

[english](March 2017) THE HINDU: Meet today’s green warriors who are fighting deforestation and global warming

[english](March 2017) INDIAN EXPRESS: 6,000 fast-growing trees planted in a day

[english](February 2017) The Better India: Less Talk, More Action: These 5 Indians Are Creating Solutions, Not Just Discussing Problems

[english](January 2017) DH DECCAN HERALD: The green warriors


[français](August 2016)LESOBSERVATEURS:Un entrepreneur indien crée des petites forêts en milieu urbain

[english]August 2016) Governanc Now: Man’s new best friend – a tree

[english](August 2016) The OBSERVERS: The man planting small forests in India’s urban jungle

[spanish](August 2016) LA NACION:Ideas que inspiran. Shubhendu Sharma: "Pertenecemos a la naturaleza al igual que otros 8,4 millones de especies"

[english](August 2016) Money control: Afforestt: Creating urban forests in your own backyard

[español](August 2016) LA NACION: Ideas que inspiran. Shubhendu Sharma: "Pertenecemos a la naturaleza al igual que otros 8,4 millones de especies"


[english](July 2016) youtube: How to grow a forest in your backyard | Shubhendu Sharma

[italiano](July 2016) green me: Come creare una foresta urbana nel tuo giardino in soli 10 anni

[english](July 2016) HUFFPOST: How Local Innovations Are Helping Fix Bangalore's Green Crisis


[हिंदी](June 2016) 48 जंगल उगा चुका है ये शख्स

[english](May 2016) TED Talks: How to grow a forest in your backyard

[español](May 2016) DW Made for minds: La plantación de pequeños bosques, de árbol a árbol

[français](April 2014) L’usine Nouvelle: Le modèle de production Toyota appliqué à la reforestation

[português](April 2016) Indiano ensina como plantar 300 árvores no espaço ocupado por 6 carros

[português](April 2016) Indiano ensina como plantar 300 árvores no espaço ocupado por 6 carros

[english](March 2016) YOURSTORY: On International Day of Forests, learn how to grow a forest anywhere

[english](March 2016) THE HINDU: Creating green cover, the Miyawaki way

[english](January 2016) Salt: Shubhendu Sharma, founder, Afforest, 29


[italiano](December 2015) IO DONNA: l’uomo che fa nascere le foreste

[italiano](December 2015) Watre (on)Line: AFFOREST: LA FORESTA FAI DA TE

[netherlands](December 2015) Anders Bekeken: De Eerste Kleine Wildernis van Nederland in het Darwinpark in Zaandam

[netherlands]December 2015) NOS Jeugdijournaal: Avondjournaal van donderdag 10 december

[netherlands]December 2015) VROEGE VOGELS: Eerste Kleine Wildernis van Nederland aangelegd

[netherlands]December 2015) Jeugdiournnal: Nieuw oerbos in Nederland aangelegd

[italiano](December 2015) IO DONNA: l’uomo che fa nascere le foreste

[italiano](November 2015) The Next Tech: «Così creo foreste, in soli tre anni, ovunque e al costo di uno smartphone»

[netherlands](October 2015) DE ORKAAN : Eerste Kleine Wildernis van Nederland in Darwinpark


[italiano](November 2014) Coscenzeinrete: Come farsi una foresta in giardino

[русский](November 2014) Life Hacker: ВИДЕО: Как вырастить крошечный лес где угодно

[中国语文](November 2014) Apple Media: 工程師10年種出森林

[english](November 2014) Business Standard: A forest in your backyard

[español](Outober 2014) Forestando el planeta: Cómo crear un bosque en cualquier parte

[english](October 2014) the Weather Channel: Afforestt's Miniature Super-Forests Could Change Cities Forever

[english](October 2014) Things Are Good: Condesned Forests for an Urban Canopy

[english](October 2014) FAST COMPANY: These Miniature Super-Forests Can Green Cities With Just A Tiny Amount Of Space

[english](October 2014) Edouardstenger: Afforestt : planting mini super forests everywhere

[english](October 2014) BBC NEWS: Grow your own tiny forest on the web

[english](October 2014) Grow your own FOREST: Firm analyses garden soil to tell you which trees to plant - and its system means saplings grow 10 times faster than normal

[english](September 2014) Exchange : Shubhendu Sharma: How to grow a tiny forest anywhere

[español](September 2014) YOROKOBU: Pon un bosque en tu jardín

[english](September 2014) Deccan Chronicle: This ‘forest maker’ gave India 43 forests in two years!

[english](September 2014) Blue & Green Tomarrow: TED talks: How to grow a tiny forest anywhere – Shubhendu Sharma

[english](July 2014) Lakshmi Rebecca: Engineer Creates Sustainable Forests in Indian Cities

[english](July 2014) The Better India: The Man Who Has Created 33 Forests In India – He Can Make One In Your Backyard Too!

[english](June 2014) The times of india city: Building a forest one tree at a time

[english](May 2014) TED Blog: Reforesting the world, one patch at a time

[english](March 2014) The Indian Express: A green revolution

[english](March 2014) TED Talks: An engineer's vision for tiny forests, everywhere

[english](February 2014) OZY: Shubhendu Sharma, Urban Forest Guru

[english](January 2014) The Economic Times: Want afforestation to grow as an industry, not Afforestt as a company: Shubhendu Sharma, Afforestt

[english](January 2014) INDIAN EXPRESS: Bangalore's Green Crusader

[english](January 2014) WIRED: The Next Big Thing You Missed: How We Can Manufacture Forests Like Toyota Makes Cars


[english]( July 2013)THE HINDU: And a FOREST is born…

[english](July 2013) The Weekend Leader: An engineer turned conservationist nurtures forests and dreams of more trees

[english](June 2013) ACT: Act City Salutes Bangalore's young entrepreneurs.

[english](May 2013) ZEE News: Afforestt creates first urban jungle in Kerala

[english](April 2013) OPEN: Don’t Miss the Woods

[english](February 2013) DNA: Bangalore: They create forests for a living

[english](February 2013) He'll help you grow a forest in your backyard

[english](January 2013) YOURSTORY: Now Grow Your Own Forest in Your Backyard